“Sexual relations can be challenging at any age due to health and emotional factors, but seniors can face more obstacles than their younger counterparts,” said Dr. Deepak A. Kapoor. Truths about many sensitive health issues are addressed here.
Incorporating Patient Satisfaction Into Our Corporate Culture (Part 1 of 3)
Dr. Kapoor discussed how AUCNY incorporated patient satisfaction into our corporate culture on Healthcare Exchange. In these interviews, Dr. Kapoor shares the relationship between the different measures and their correlation to patient satisfaction. (Part 1 of 3 series). Click here to listen.
Incorporating Patient Satisfaction Into Our Corporate Culture (Part 2 of 3)
Dr. Kapoor discussed how AUCNY incorporated patient satisfaction into our corporate culture on Healthcare Exchange. In these interviews, Dr. Kapoor shares the relationship between the different measures and their correlation to patient satisfaction. (Part 2 of 3 series). Click here to listen.
Incorporating Patient Satisfaction Into Our Corporate Culture (Part 3 of 3)
Dr. Kapoor discussed how AUCNY incorporated patient satisfaction into our corporate culture on Healthcare Exchange. In these interviews, Dr. Kapoor shares the relationship between the different measures and their correlation to patient satisfaction. (Part 3 of 3 series). Click here to listen.
Prostate Cancer Updates – Plugged Into Long Island
Deepak A. Kapoor, MD was interviewed by Al Levine on the Plugged Into Long Island radio show on WBAB/WBLI Radio. They spoke about the controversy surrounding prostate cancer screening, new treatments and the importance of regular prostate cancer screenings to saves lives.
The Mark Simone Show (WOR Radio) Airs Interview with AUCNY President
Mark Simone of WOR radio interviewed Dr. Deepak A. Kapoor, President of Advanced Urology Centers of New York. They discussed the strides made with early detection of prostate cancer, leading to a vast improvement in the 10 year survival rate. It is an interview you should not miss. Click here to listen.
Newsday’s Greg Burt Discusses Men’s Health with Dr. Deepak Kapoor
Prostate health is an important issue. Dr. Deepak Kapoor discusses prostate issues and treatment options in Newsday. Download the PDF here.