Dr. Deepak A. Kapoor talks candidly about prostate cancer and other men’s health issues. Important, need-to know info!
Largest Study Ever Confirmed Importance of Early Detection of Prostate Cancer
Dr. Deepak A. Kapoor spoke about the importance of early detection of prostate cancer in saving lives on New York Sports and Beyond.
Advanced Urology Centers of New York (AUCNY)
Advanced Urology Centers of New York, Advanced Radiation Centers of New York, Integrated Medical Foundation, LUGPA and Henry Schein joined forces to build prostate cancer awareness and share the important message about early detection. As part of the promotion, our video is playing on the NASDAQ Tower in Times Square several times daily.
Father’s Day is a Great Time to Remember Prostate Cancer Awareness
During the Father’s Day Mets game, Dr. Deepak A. Kapoor spoke with WOR radio Sports Zone’s Pete McCarthy about the importance of early detection of prostate cancer to save lives. Once symptoms appear, treatment is more difficult.
The Mark Simone Show (WOR Radio) Airs Interview with AUCNY President
Mark Simone of WOR radio interviewed Dr. Deepak A. Kapoor, President of Advanced Urology Centers of New York. They discussed the strides made with early detection of prostate cancer, leading to a vast improvement in the 10 year survival rate. It is an interview you should not miss. Click here to listen.
PSA Guidelines Discussed by Dr. Deepak A. Kapoor
Dr. Deepak A. Kapoor gives the facts about prostate cancer, early detection and greatly increased survival rates. Men need to be able to make informed decisions about their own health. To listen, click below.